What is GiftCircle.Ninja, you ask?
Well, if you're familiar with the Secret Santa concept you'll understand GiftCircle.Ninja. A circle of friends or family organizes their gift-giving so that each person only purchases one gift for one other member of the circle and only receives one gift from one other member of the circle. This way the spirit of the occasion is preserved but no one has to rob a bank in order to purchase a large number of gifts. Budgets can be specified in advance so that everyone is getting the same amount out of the system (and since fewer gifts are being purchased it's practical to get nicer gifts if the circle so chooses). Wish lists can also be set up in advance so that people get things they actually want.
The idea of a Secret Santa is popular around Christmastime for siblings or coworkers, but have you considered it for birthdays, too?
GiftCircle.Ninja makes it easy to set up circles for your friends and family for fixed annual events like Christmas or Chanukah, and it also makes it easy to set up similar pools for birthdays so that each participant gets one birthday gift at the right time of year and purchases one birthday gift at another time of year. GiftCircle.Ninja can optionally remember dates, meeting times and places, and wish lists. GiftCircle.Ninja also makes it easy for parents to set up circles for their children.
Sorry, registration for GiftCircle.Ninja is only open to invited guests at the moment. We may be opening it up to the general public fairly soon, though, so please come back and take another look in a few weeks.